Thursday, April 28, 2011

Weight-Loss Challenge Just Around The Corner!

Ready, set, LOSE WEIGHT!!! Our Weight-Loss Challenge starts this coming Tuesday evening at 7:30! From Healthy Meal Shakes, to Prolessa Duo, to Total Control, all of Herbalife's products are 100% guaranteed to produce great results! Some participants have already started on their weight-loss programs. This is going to be an exciting 12 weeks!

Monday, April 18, 2011

What's for Breakfast?

Formula 1 Healthy Meal Shake! It's got 20 essential, daily vitamins. It's like taking a multivitamin, but it sure tastes better! I got a deal on strawberries this week - so I added them to my chocolate shake. Mmmmm! I've also been having a shake for lunch on most days, except for special occasions. I've lost 20 lbs. in 2 months and 2 inches!! If you're looking for the safest, healthiest, fastest weight-loss program, this is it!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wednesday, quick update...

A big welcome to my enthusiastic new distributor, Lisa Dunstan, from Norfolk, Virginia! I'm so excited to have you on my team, Lisa. Let's get you rolling!!!

Wednesday, quick update...

Congratulations to new distributor, Micheal Perry, from El Cajon, California! He's serious about making some major changes in his life - and he's come to the right place!

No More Dieting!

I never liked the idea of dieting. I didn't want to feel like a prisoner, not able to eat what I wanted or when I wanted. I can't believe how good I feel and how much weight I've lost just having a Healthy Meal Shake for breakfast and lunch. Sometimes I cheat and go ahead and eat with the family if it sounds good. I even eat out some. Still, I've lost over 20 lbs. and 3 inches around my waist in 2 months! After having 3 babies 3 years in a row, I thought I was stuck at my new weight forever. WRONG! Herbalife has helped me recover in more ways than one. I feel better than I felt back when I was in college! My favorite supplements are the Total Control (a metabolism booster, and it promotes energy, mental alertness, & aids weight loss) and Herbalifeline (for good circulation & cardiovascular health).

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday, quick update...

I'm excited to introduce my newest distributor, Stefan Harris, from Burleson, Texas!!! Welcome to the Dream Team.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring Weight-Loss Challenge!

Dan & I are going to host a Weight-Loss Challenge this spring. It will be 12 weeks long. Participants will meet once a week, study proper nutrition, track their progress, and receive exclusive discounts on Herbalife weight loss products! Everyone pays a small entry fee, and the biggest loser at the end of 12 weeks wins the cash pot!!! The Challenge is open to everyone, including people from out of state. It can be done over the phone, on the internet, as well as in person. Sign up today. You're invited!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I started having my husband, Dan, drink H3O a few weeks back because he always seemed overly-worn out after work. He absolutely loves it, and feels so much better. H3O actually hydrates MORE of your system FASTER than any other liquid or fitness drink! It comes in two flavors - lemonade and orangeade. I've started taking it myself because I've recently discovered that my body doesn't naturally absorb enough water when I drink. I've had problems with being dehydrated, especially during my past 3 pregnancies, and didn't even know it until the end of my most recent pregnancy. I had no idea that getting enough water into your system could have such a huge affect. We drink H3O at least once every day now, and we're ready for summer to hit!