Sunday, July 31, 2011

Weight Loss Challenge!

Another Weight Loss Challenge coming up! August - November this time. Shape up. Eat Healthy. Exercise. Shed lbs. Lose inches. There's nothing more effective than consistency and accountability. Sign up today! Only 40 spots available.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Prepare to ENJOY your July!

Wow! Lots of plans for July at our house: showers, weddings, a 4-day anniversary trip, swimming, friends over! The weather is HOT! Life in general requires more hydration than usual. Check out H30 and Hydrate! They're sure to keep you from heat stroke this summer.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer's Here!

The nights are longer, the days are hotter and the sun is out! Summer's here! This family stays hydrated with H30 and new Herbalife 24's "Hydrate!" There's nothing better to drink when you're thirsty, hot, & worn out! Give your body the ultimate in hydration with these incredible products exclusively available from Herbalife.